Tips, Training

How to get better faster


Double the Things that That Triple Results

Do you think you would like to improve your riding?

Well then,

What can you do RIGHT NOW that will promote better results faster?

The answer to that question is the key to improving everything in the horse world.

It may, however, not be liked by some of the big stables who make their moolah from spoon feeding their students into a false sense of security.

And figuring out which exercises or developing a program to promote proper riding requires a background of which exercise to do when and what to do to get the best progress with your riding.

  • Doing some exercises (like, let’s say, 2 -point position) will reap you more progress with your position than let’s say, practicing your sitting trot. 

So which exercises should you do?

It all depends.

If your lower leg is loose then these exercises may help:

  • Practice your two point position at the halt, walk, trot and canter. If possible get someone to lunge you so you don’t have to worry about your horse.
    And better yet, get some photos or a short video and send them to me so we can give you some concrete direction where to go with  your position. 
  • Ride at least 10 minutes per day without stirrups. This is beneficial for stretching your muscles and for developing a feel for your horse and your saddle. 
  • Organize some trot rails or raised trot poles and ride over raised trot poles. This is a great exercise to exaggerate the movement of the horse.

But which one of these exercises will benefit you the most? Which one, if you double the amount of time doing it will triple the benefit?

The doubling of some will drive more results than the doubling of others.

Figuring out which exercises to double up on is part of the fun.

And you have to have a metric to measure. 

If you usually practice your 2 point position for 10 minutes,

If practicing your 2 point for 20 minutes will that stop you from losing your stirrups when you are riding? Or will your instructor/coach be able to move on and not have to keep reminding you to keep your heels down? Then that is a good thing right? And that’s worth the investment.

The key is to choose one exercise and ‘double down’ on it so you can see if here is a notable change in your riding. And being able to measure what the result is of the ‘double down’.

Maybe, using the 2 point analogy, if you are more secure and improved balance you:

  • Don’t get jumped out of the tack.
  • Don’t get left behind
  • Can jump bigger jumps
  • Your horse goes rounder/better
  • You win more horse shows.

It has to be something that you can measure.

The bonus is that by doing this you are becoming aware of yourself and your riding and more than improving your riding you can see how working a little harder, getting a better position could influence your horse and influence your training results.

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