Tag: horse show

Horse Show, Tips, Training

Horse Riding – What the Judge is Looking For (NOT!)

As a horse show judge I travel around and see many different levels of horse riding at horse shows. Some are smooth operators with new gear and pressed jackets. Some, on the other hand, are recreational riders who want to bring their horse for a day out. If you have no coach, trainer or knowledgeable horse person to help you with your horse riding and showing please take a few tips from this post.

Horse Show, Horses, Tips, Training, Uncategorized

Dressge Horse Training – Top Three Things That Go Wrong with Your Square Halt When Training Your Dressage Horse

Top three things that can go wrong when halting in a dressage test. When performing your dressage horse training one of the most ellusive movements is a square halt. If your halt is not well defined and performed correctly, it will put a bad flavor in the dressage judges ‘mouth’.