Horse Show, Tips

3 Key Tips to Boosting your Score in the Hunter Ring

Be Prepared

This seems pretty simple but so often, as a horse show judge, I see competitors “punching above their weight” meaning they think because they can jump a course at home, they can replicate it at the horse show. 

I hate to break it to you, but going to a show, even an “in-house” schooling show does weird things to people. It makes them nervous, they forget things, riders morph into flopping like spineless single cell ameobas at the thought of someone watching them.

I had a competitor stop mid course, while I was judging the class, and ask me, the judge, the directions to the next jump!

Being prepared is more than knowing your course. It is developing good basics. 

Do your homework

To me, it is far better to stay at home and develop good, solid basics rather than taking on a competition and delivering a lackluster or sub par performance.

Remember it is a horse show


You are being judged.

And if you are being judged then show the judge a good performance.


Your best performance for that day.

From the other side of the fence, as a judge, I know a judge wants to see you do well. And prefers to see good rounds and choose the best from the top choices. 

Rather than rate the winner from a list of horse and rider combinations which are not meeting the requirements of the division or class. 

There is nothing worse for the judge than trying to decide which horse should place if they are all mediocre or have mistakes in the class due to not being prepared.

For example, whether you are heading out for your first competition or a seasoned athlete, know the specifications for that horse show and the particulars of the class.

If you are expected to jump a 2’3” course in a competition then be over prepared and jumping a 2’6” course at home is a must.

Are showing for the first time, and you are at a training show or schooling show, great.

Review the horse show specifications if you are planning on going to a horse show.

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Arrive Early

This is a two-pronged tip. 

  1. For day shows – arrive in time to get yourself organized and to the ring on time.
  2. For those longer shows – get yourself to the ringside in time.

Being prepared by arriving early will give you time to “chillaxe” and watch a couple of other rounds before you step into the ring.

This is the time to 

Your warmup is an integral part of your showing success and arriving early is a key to your success. 

Eat properly

Do not underestimate the importance of your own personal nutrition.

Eating a granola bar and a bag of chips the morning of the horse  show may be your “go to” horse show breakfast but that will not help you make it through the whole day.

You need your wits about you and that means your brain. 

Feed your brain properly by fueling it with a balanced breakfast.

If the thought of eating before our competition turns your stomach then pack a banana and yogurt for later on in the morning. 

It is important to keep your strength up so you can ride properly and perform at YOUR best.

During the day hydrate with water and avoid sugary drinks especially those with caffeine.

You can also think about “eating your fluids”. Rather than having a sugary apple juice, eat the entire apple.