Covid, Horse Show

Horse Shows and Covid

Are you able to go to horse shows in your area?

My season is starting to ramp up and going to competitions is part of what makes my sport so much fun. But the pandemic has taken some of the fun out of it.

Horse shows may be happening in our area.


in order to comply with Covid-19 protocols there are strict regimes that MUST be followed.

  1. no flat or undersaddle classes
  2. no jogging in hand for soundness (must jog a circle at the end of their hunter round)
  3. must stay in your designated area, marked in the grass, until your turn is called
  4. no spectators
  5. plus other important social distancing measures.

So no watching or cheering on your friends and family.

This is an excellent way to be safe during Covid restrictions,
But, for me,
it takes the fun out of horse showing.
I forgot No food available on the grounds, bring your own snacks and lunches. Part of the reason horse showing is so much fun is the commeradery and visit with colleagues and friends.

Unfortunately, in my area, this won’t be happening. Not yet anyway. Not until most people get vaccinate.

What is the scene of the horse shows in your area? I’d like to know.

During the pandemic I thank you for watching my live broadcasts.

I’ve been doing live broadcasts for the duration of the pandemic.
Frankly, as you can imagine, going live was frightening,
I thought during the “lockdown” people needed support and places to go with new material to look at. 

That is why I started the Equestrian Skill Builder series.

It started out as discussing training exercises and riding tips from trainers and coaches and judges because everyone was at home.
Now it has morphed
(or now as they say “pivoted”)
into interviewing horse professionals and their businesses.
I’ve interviewed, magazine owners (The Plaid Horse), bit fitters (On The Bit Tack), tack designers (Tapestry Equine Products) as well as Equine Commercial Photographer, Documentary Film Makers and Yoga Instructors.
And I love it.
We are all in the same equine community.